You might as well laugh about it.
That’s the idea with Menopause The Musical, which has returned to the Playhouse at Westport. About 10 years ago, it was done there, and they’ve re-assembled the cast from that iteration of the show. MTM began in Orlando, and has been done all over the world, including long runs in Las Vegas and Madrid, Spain.
The cast is strong, all local actors who show off their comedy chops, dancing talent, and voices to good advantage. First among equals may well be Marty K. Casey, as the Professional Woman. She sounds absolutely great, starting with “I Heard It Through the Grapevine”. Lee Anne Mathews plays the Soap Star, with a killer version of “Heat Wave”, changed to “Hot Flash”. Laura Ackermann is the old hippie Earth Mother, who charms in “Puff, My God, I’m Dragging.” The Iowa Housewife, Rosemary Watts, brings down the house in a hysterical version of “Only You”. And there’s more, lots more.
All the songs are parodies of the music that many of us heard growing up, which makes for even more fun, and the sound system, which began with Steve Shapiro, hits the right spot so the laughter doesn’t drown out the new (and far more relevant) lyrics. A delightful Art Deco set from Bud Clark is an integral part of the action.
I’m sure there are arguments that this is sexist, that it’s tasteless, and more. Those same arguments can be made about much of theatre. Who will enjoy this, beyond women of what the call un age certain? People of both genders around them unless they have no sense of humor. That includes family, friends and co-workers. One of life’s cruel jokes is that the menopause hits many households about the same time adolescence does. Here’s something to tide us over.
Good work from all four actors, who knock themselves out for the 90-minute no-intermission performance. It’s a lot of fun.
Menopause The Musical
through February 12, 2017
Playhouse at Westport
635 Westport Plaza